All regular ABYC members are asked to nominate members for the Winterle Sportsmanship Award
by emailing the previous winner.
Winterle Sportsmanship Award | Rather than a popularity contest, the Winterle Sportsmanship Award was started in 1971 to recognize an individual who tried to live up to the Corinthian concept of sportsmanship. That is, someone who did not complain about the loss or brag about the win, was a good sport both on and off the water, and encouraged the involvement of others in the Club's activities. One should also note that, by tradition, the presenter of the award is expected to include a bottle (or two) of Champagne to fill the bowel for all to drink a toast to the new recipient and in memory of those who received recognition in the past. Click here for a list of recipients.
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An ABYC member that would like to nominate a member for one of the following awards may do so
by emailing the Commodore or Past Commodore.
The Bjerregaard Espirit De Corps Award is given to the person(s) who exhibit camaraderie, a desire for a good time, and work to involve others in their endeavor.
The Depew Legacy Award | The Depew Legacy Award is given at the discretion of the Board of Directors to honor one member (or family) to recognize his or her long term relationship with ABYC, their many years of membership and their long years of exemplary service to the Club. This award is a way for ABYC to say thank you for all he or she has done over a period of more than 10 years.
Kokopelli Dream Achievement Award | This periodic award was first established and presented by Russell and Lee Chubb in 2002, to recognize Jan Brandt’s 1-2 Bermuda race. Jan designed and modified “Kokopelli”, a 30 foot Olson. It is a recognition of not only having a dream but working to make the dream a reality.
Silent Sailor Award is to recognize the club member who has made a significant contribution to the Club during the past year, and has gone about the task(s) quietly and without fanfare.
Homer Denius Award was established by Homer Denius to recognize the ABYC boat which has participated in the most races, cruises and other on-the-water activities during the past year. The award is presented by the current holder. One year, the award went to a powerboat that had been very active in ABYC water activities.
Rubber Chicken Award can be presented at any time by the current holder to another sailor whohas problems on the water (usually while racing). Super Rubber Chicken Award is presented with major ceremony for major problems, like when a sailboat’s mast became hung in the branches of a tree on the St. Marks River. Slides were shown of the event and the award presented. The current holder of the award is always on the lookout for the next recipient.
The Alert is the award for the most notable misadventure on the water that was at least in part self induced.
The Insufferable Victor (IV) recognition has not been presented in some time (we are all humble winners?).
Then, there was the Non-combatant Award to recognize someone who started races and never seemed to finish them.
The Short Stick to recognize someone who has modified their boat to improve its performance with no positive results is also on the shoals.
A gag award, the Start-Line Equalizer, a plastic base-ball bat to be use at starts to remove competitors who do not follow the "rules of the road" has also vanished. One year, a very competitive sailor was given a cement block to tow behind his boat to make the boat’s handicap more “relevant”.
* * * * * * * * The following awards are determined by race results. * * * * * * * *
Cock of the Walk Trophy is a challenge award that has seen some fun and not so fun races. One of the most interesting was one in Hobie 14s on a light air day where the weight of the skipper was the determining factor. A member may challenge the current award holder and to the victor go the spoils!
Anne Sherwood Memorial Trophy goes to the first place spinnaker boat in the Stephen C. Smith Regatta.
Dan Harbolt Memorial Trophy is for the first place non-spinnaker boat in the Stephen C. SmithRegatta. When we had two race days, the winner worked hard for this trophy.
Kate C. Morgan Race for Dinghies is awarded annually to the winner of the spring and falldinghy series.
Will Glenn Sr. Memorial Frostbite Trophy is awarded to the first place Puffin in the ABYC Will Glenn Memorial Frostbite Regatta for dinghies held on New Year’s Day of each year.
PHRF Spring and Fall Series
The Mullet Cup was something that John McBride, Frank Hankins and the winner of last year’s Mullet Cup organized. Traditionally, the race was part of the annual trip to Dog Island. Some years the destination was the Ochlocknee Shoal, where the fleet would anchor for the night and eat the fish caught during the day. The winner(s) were appointed by the organizers, not necessarily to the crew of the fastest boat. The racing was informal. There are trophies: wooden plaques with a mullet that are passed from winner to winner. Historically, the VC did not play a role in deciding this award or organizing the event. The awards were presented at a party at the end of the race. Fried mullet was served. Wigs were involved too.
Murphy – St. Patrick’s Day Regatta is for the first place boat in ABYC’s St. Patrick’s Day
* * * * * * * * Other Awards * * * * * * * *
Christmas Boat Parade was started by Michael Getman in 2019. A panel of judges selects the best decorated boat
Stephen C. Smith Memorial Trophy is presented by the Board of Directors of the Stephen C. Smith Annual Memorial Regatta.